Player objects control playlists and how they are played.



ID of the player. Used internally to route messages to each player.


Human-readable name for the player.


Singleton Methods


Returns a promise to be resolved with an array of player objects, each representing a player available on the radiodan server. {
  console.log(players.length); // 3


Returns a player instance connected to a player with the exact same id on the server.

var mainPlayer = radiodan.player.get('main-player');

Note that at this stage, player objects are always returned from this method, even if the player id does not match anything currently available on the server. If you do not know the id of the player you are looking for, use the discover method instead.

Instance Methods


Adds array of file paths to the current playlist. This will trigger a playlist event once the server adds the tracks successfully. Returns a promise resolving on command acceptance.

player.add({playlist: ['track1.mp3', 'track2.mp3']});

Including clear: true to the object will clear the current playlist before adding the tracks.


Empties the current playlist. Will trigger a playlist event if the playlist was non-empty. Will trigger a player event if player was currently playing items off the playlist. Returns a promise resolving on command acceptance.



Loads a named playlist in to the player. Will replace the current playlist if successful. Playlists are stored in the Radiodan server's playlists directory, as specified in it's configuration. Triggers a playlist event on successful execution.

player.load('bbc_radio_four.m3u'); //matches /playlists/bbc_radio_four.m3u

Remote playlists can be loaded over http.



Moves the player to the next item in the current playlist. The definition of the next item is dependent on the random and repeat states of the player.;

Note that the returned promise will always resolve when the command is accepted by the server, even if the playlist is currently empty. If the player's position in the playlist is altered, a playlist event will be triggered.


Set the pause state of the player. If paused, the player can be restarted using the (play)[#play] method, too. Triggers a player event.

player.pause({value: true});

Note that a value must be set in the arguments for the command to be valid.


Start the player playing. If the player is playing already, the command will resolve as a no-op. The promise will still resolve on command acknowledgement.;

The player will play from it's current position in the playlist. If you want a specific position, specify it in the arguments.{position: 2});

If the player state is altered as a result of the command, a player event will be triggered.


Moves the player to the previous item in the current playlist. The definition of the previous item is dependent on the random and repeat states of the player.


Note that the returned promise will always resolve when the command is accepted by the server, even if the playlist is currently empty. If the player's position in the playlist is altered, a playlist event will be triggered.


Sets the random state of the player. This will effect the way the player iterates through the items of the playlist.

player.random({value: true});

If the random setting has been changed, a player event will be triggered.


Deletes items from the current playlist.

// remove track from position 2
player.remove({position: 2});

// remove first 10 tracks
player.remove({start: 0, end: 9});

Triggers a playlist event if items are removed. May trigger a player event if the player no longer has playlist items to play.

TODO: What if the current item in the playlist is removed?


Sets the repeat state of the player. This will effect the way the player responds to reaching the end of the current playlist.

player.repreat({value: true});

If the repeat setting has been changed, a player event will be triggered.

Query the database for matching items. Matches can be partial. Queries are case insensitive.

Available search terms

  • any (matches any of the following terms)
  • album
  • artist
  • comment
  • composer
  • date
  • disc
  • filename
  • genre
  • name
  • performer
  • title
  • track{artist: 'sleater-kinney'});

// search for all tracks with the word "Funk" in their metadata{any: 'funk'});

These search commands return an array of matching objects, which include track metadata and file path of each item.

The path can be used to enqueue found tracks to a playlist. If no matches are found, the promise will be accepted but with an empty array. Only malformed search requests are rejected by the server.

// searches for all tracks by artist then appends to playlist{artist: 'Chumped'}).then(
  function(matches) {
    var playlist = { return m.file; });

    return player.add({playlist: playlist});


Move the player head to an absolute or relative time. These commands will trigger a player event on completion.

// play from 90 seconds into current track{time: 90});

// play from 5 seconds into track in playlist position 3{time: 5, position: 3});

// skip back 10 seconds from current time{time: '-10'});


TODO: What is this? Do we use it for anything?


Stops playback. If previously playing, this command will trigger a player event.



Triggers an update of the player's internal music database. The returned promise will resolve as soon as the command is accepted. The following events may trigger (in this order):

  1. database.update.start - Scanning has begun.
  2. database.modified - Updates to the database have been found (triggers at most once per update).
  3. database.update.end - Scanning has completed.


Updates the volume for the player object. Volume can be an absolute or relative amount. Volume is expressed as an integer percentage. Triggers a volume event if volume level is altered.

// set to 90%
player.volume({value: 90});

// lower by 20%
player.volume({diff: -20});

// raise by 10%
player.volume({diff: 10});

Note: Multiple players can play simultaneously from the same audio device. This command does not effect the other players in the system. For a global volume change, see the audio device API.


TODO: Add example output


Returns statistics on the contents of the music database. Typically triggered by an updateDatabase command, when the update discovers new data.


Returns an empty object. Notifies that a database update has begun.


Returns an empty object. Notifies that a database update has completed.


Returns the state of the player (random, play state, current position in playlist).


Returns the contents of the current playlist.


Returns the volume of the player. Note that this is not the volume of the physical device, each player has it's own volume level. See the audio device API for device-level volume.